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Two hands slicing a paprika on a thin, gray, plastic chopping board on a kitchen counter in front of a sin. Three tomatoes and two cucumbers are visible on the counter.

Reducing household food waste

Active project


Project contact

Fiona Lambe /

Food production and food waste account for about 8% of global human-generated greenhouse gas emissions. Around 1.1 million tons or 106 kg/person of food was wasted in Sweden in 2020, according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Out of this, almost 80 kg/person of food waste was generated at household level and almost half of that was deemed avoidable. If Sweden is to achieve its objective of reducing food waste by 25% before 2025, urgent action is required to address behaviours within households.

A recent report in 2022 from Swedish Waste Management concludes that, currently, of the “good” examples of interventions to reduce food waste in Sweden, almost none are targeting households. Such behavioural interventions are rarely tested in real-world settings, seldom informed by behavioural science, and their outcomes are typically not objectively evaluated.

With this project, we aim to address these discrepancies by co-designing behavioural science-based interventions with households themselves and The Gothenburg Region (GR). We will test and evaluate these interventions with a sample of 40 households over eight weeks. Actual household food waste will be measured using state-of-the-art smart bins and the results will be compared with a control group. That way, we can help to ensure the solutions are implementable and scalable across the Swedish public sector.

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Design and development by Soapbox.