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SEI report

Global Ageing and Environmental Change: Attitudes, Risks and Opportunities

Global ageing and environmental change bring together two key policy challenges which need to be addressed to ensure a safe, secure, equitable and sustainable future. Growing old in the twenty-first century will bring with it the unique challenge of a changing global environment with variable climate and weather patterns which will impact on all aspects of life.

Gary Haq / Published on 30 January 2013

Haq, G., C. Snell, G. Gutman and D. Brown (2013). Global Ageing and Environmental Change: Attitudes, Risks and Opportunities. SEI Project Report: Stockholm, Sweden.

In order to effectively manage the impacts associated with environmental change it will be necessary to confront and integrate social dimensions in adaptation planning. This requires a better understanding of the effects a changing environment will have on older people at the local, regional, national and international level and in different geographical and socio-economic contexts.

This study reviews the key issues relevant to global ageing and environmental change. It examines older people not only in terms of their vulnerability to environmental threats but as contributors to environmental sustainability.

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SEI author

Gary Haq

Senior Research Associate

SEI York

Topics and subtopics
Climate : Adaptation
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